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Faith of hearts, logic of minds.

The thing with knowledge is that it stirs up the storms of curiosity. It is a basic character of an active mind to seek knowledge, for by knowledge comes wisdom,  understanding and doubt. By doubt a man questions what he knows to defy his reason. Doubt is a seed. A good seed.....a bad seed. It depends on what side you stand on. On one side, it is leads to safety and steers away from gullibility. On another, it starves faith and  festers apostasy.
As the world grows in knowledge, the impact of faith diminishes. Science and scientists have become gods in their own rights as logic explains everything....well, almost everything. The way of science sees to it that everything is a subject of investigation  and whatever cannot be explained by logic is either invalid or unreliable.
The conflict is strong. The conflict between faith and logic. They are the two fronts in the battle for the souls of men.
What does it mean to have faith? It means to believe what logic denies. To the ways of the world faith is a task. It is a tall tree on a mountain insurmountable.
So the questions men of faith believe because they don't know enough to question? Did they cave into the convenience of simplicity? Or are they higher beings with eyes of the mind? A Scholar once called religion the opium of the masses..... a hypnotic grasp, a grand deception that lures simple men away from reality and realism. Religion may be all that but not faith. Indeed, faith is for the simple, it is simple as the stories, fables and myths which can never contest the facts of biology, geology, astronomy, philosophy. Faith is Simple tales against complex views. Faith is Plain truths against deep facts. It is like David facing Goliath. The result of that battle was almost  predictable, could bet a life on the giant and that was would have made sense. But that battle was not about the facts, it was about truth. It was not about ability, it was about was not about strength, it was about power, it was not about size, it was about skill. It was not about might, it was about faith.
We must know, we need to know all that there is to be known. When we do, we are awoken from the sleep of emptiness to assume some measure of control over life. When we do, we should be awe stricken by the nature of our creator. Is logic ever a sufficient  explainer of the fragments of life? There are frontiers we must never dare to approach as finite men. It is but faith  that unlocks the limits of our finiteness.
If you have knowledge, you need faith, if you have faith, you need knowledge, by this men are  made loyal to the God that can never be explained.


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